Mother + Daughters at Camber Sands
Sarah booked a mini session at Camber Sands back in the Summer last year and weather, illness and all sorts kept meaning we needed to reschedule. We were so pleased to finally nail a date and meet up! The weather was looking pretty miserable but luckily the rain held off and we were graced with cloudy skies and some wind. Moody skies at Camber are my favourite, I have to say!
As this was only a mini session we were only shooting for 20 minutes or so, and I am always amazed by how many pictures I can take in such a short amount of time. I have included 30 images in this post but I delivered 89 in their final gallery!
Sarah and her girls (and not forgetting their pooch), came in their warm clothes and ran the dunes, found shells, walked along the shoreline and chased the dog! All round a lovely little session, and there is something pretty special about Mother and Daughters 🖤
Hope you like browsing through these and if you would like your own family session, you can download my e-brochure here.
Charlotte x