2018 Family Favourites
So here it is, we find ourselves nearing the end of the year which means its roundup time! I have just spent the morning flicking through some of my family sessions of 2018 and I am so excited to share with you this gallery of 75 of my favourite images. This isn’t every session I have shot this year, as you can imagine a lot of my clients don’t want images shared on social media and online (which is totally fair enough!!) but here is a selection of some of my favourite photos from the sessions I can share with you all!
2018 has been a really defining moment for me as a family photographer and I think you can see from this little stash of photos that I have really taken on board the documentary family photographer approach this year. Quite frankly, I have loved every second. Its been so nice to not say ‘okay everyone look this way and smile’ on every session, and instead just letting people be themselves. Goof around, run riot or just chill out in the living room. All of these sessions, and the rest, have added such an awesome touch on this year for me.
If you’re thinking of booking in a family session then don’t hesitate to get in touch! I am taking a few months off over the start of 2019 as we are expecting our own new addition to our family, but from the end of Spring I shall be back to work and taking on a few sessions a month again.
I can’t wait to see what 2019 brings, for you and for me!